What Does Family Mean To You? Mohammed Saleem and Sons
Written by Muslims of OttawaMuslim Link attended MAC’s Canadian Family Day event on February 16 and asked people: What Does Family Mean To You? Mohammed Saleem, principal of Abraar School, spoke about family with his eldest son Omar, 13, and his youngest son Bilal, 4.
Mohamed: Family is loving someone and being loved by someone. Sharing the same values…to a certain extent at least. Living similar dreams and sometimes even nightmares. Living life together, this is part of having family. When you are an immigrant, your extended family gets replaced by the community you are living in. You start forging new relationships so your neighbour, the people you work with on a daily basis, start taking on many roles that your extended family used to take on when you were surrounded by them.
Omar: Family is there to support you. They are there for you if you fall into dark times.
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