Ottawa residents were pleasantly surprised with free roses on Oct. 27 from a group of young Muslims. Students and volunteers handed out a thousand “peace roses” to passers-by in downtown Ottawa as part of a global campaign to educate the public about the noble character of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings upon him.
Organizers said they hoped the initiative would help people appreciate the true nature of Islam and the Prophet's love, generosity and concern for the wellbeing of humanity.
“Love is a very powerful thing. When you give somebody a flower, a rose or even a smile, these reach the hearts of the people,” Moutather Haddad said in a Press TV report.
Strips of paper carrying the sayings of the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him, and descriptions of his beautiful character were tied to each rose. Mushkat Salloum who participated in the event, said on Press TV that such events were a way to educate the public and break stereotypes.
“People need to know that Muslims are peaceful, they're loving and”this is just a nice gesture to show them that's who we are,” she said. Similar events have taken place in several cities around the world, including Oslo, London, Leeds, Cairo, Dubai, Melbourne, Paris, New York, and Toronto
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