Thinking of throwing out your old mobile phone? Think again.
Your electronics junk could help save lives in Syria.
The Canadian Syrian Relief, a local organization, is collecting unwanted electronics (including: cell phones, printers, digital cameras, DVD players, hand-held devices, laptops, monitors, copiers and video recorders) which it will exchange for money to benefit Syrian refugees.
According to organizers of the “Save the earth, Save Syrians” campaign, the e-waste will be sold to the Ontario Electronic Stewardship. Proceeds from the sale will assist victims of the Syrian conflict, via Human Concern International.
“This is a win-win case”we bring our unwanted/faulty electronics for recycling, we save money that we would have otherwise paid to dispose these, we save the environment and more importantly, (an) Ontario recycling agency pays for these to help needy Syrians,” Abeer Mourad says on CSR's Facebook page.
Members of the public can drop off unwanted electronics at the back parking lot of the Abraar School, (near the Boys & Girls Club of Ottawa at 2825 Dumaurier Ave, Ottawa) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Oct. 13.
Electronic waste contains toxic substances such as beryllium, cadmium and lithium that can leak into the ground and contaminate groundwater sources if improperly disposed. The Ontario Electronics Stewardship collects, recycles and reuses e-waste, diverting it from our landfills.
According to the UN, more than 100,000 Syrians sought refugee status in August; the highest monthly total since the start of the crisis.
For campaign information, see the Canadian Relief for Syria page on Facebook.
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