Volunteer with Project Ramadan and the Muslim Welfare Centre at the Ottawa Food Bank This Sunday
Written by Muslim Welfare Centre of TorontoThe Project Ramadan initiative was created under Muslim Welfare Centre of Toronto almost 10 years ago by a group of young adults who found themselves concerned about the food disparity within their local community.
This Sunday, April 22nd, they are coming to Ottawa to volunteer at the Ottawa Food Bank and raise awareness about food insecurity in Canada and they hope you wil join them.
There were, and still are, many organizations doing work internationally (sending their volunteers, staff and money to help our brothers and sisters in need), however we believed - and continue to believe- we have a bigger responsibility to take care of our community locally. With this local focus Project Ramadan began its journey.
In 2009, a small group of young adults approached the Muslim Welfare Centre of Toronto to support the mission of helping families in need, especially during Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. The Muslim Welfare Centre is a well-recognized Canadian grassroots charity with a diverse lineup of food, shelter and healthcare programs focused on those in need.The Muslim Welfare Centre`s motto of Service to Humanity is Service to Allah (God)really resonated with the ideals of the youth group and the ‘Iftaar Food Basket’ initiative was born, with 350 food baskets built and distributed in the first year. This initiative was later named ‘Project Ramadan’. Last year we built over 6,500 baskets! The Muslim Welfare Centre has the infrastructure and distribution network to effectively connect with the most vulnerable and so Project Ramadan has flourished under its umbrella.
Over the last 10 years Project Ramadan has focused its efforts within the Greater Toronto & Hamilton Area. In fact, food insecurity has become increasingly pervasive across the country and so to highlight Muslim Welfare Centre's 25 years of community service, Ottawa was selected as an ideal location to bring national attention to this crisis. Engaging parliamentarians in the conversation about hunger at a special Project Ramadan build event, is a practical way to raise awarenessacross Canada, build baskets and build bridges of understanding and compassion for those in need. As well, we were thrilled to engage the diverse and vibrant youth community, both Muslims and non-Muslims in this project. As food insecurity has no boundaries, Project Ramadan and Muslim Welfare Centre are looking to engage Canadians from all walks of life to support their neighbours in need!
Muslim Welfare Centre and Project Ramadan volunteers assessed potential partnerships in the Ottawa Region and it became clear to collaborate with the Ottawa Food Bank given its lineup of services and diverse network of 117 agencies, serving the whole community. We are grateful for the support and openness demonstrated by the Management and staff of the Ottawa Food Bank and we look forward to working with them in addressing the needs of those who access their services.
According to the Ottawa Citizen, "The Ottawa Food Bank reported in 2017 that 35 per cent of Ottawans who use emergency food services are children, 35 per cent are families with children and 31 per cent live in social housing."
Volunteering with Project Ramadan at the Ottawa Food Bank is an excellent opportunity for people to come together in support of a noble cause - to fight food insecurity. Food insecurity has no race, religion or ethnicity. By joining us to build food baskets, meet new people, learn about the important work of Project Ramadan, and help fight hunger, we will truly celebrate our cherished Canadian values of diversity, inclusiveness and care for our neigbours in need!
Volunteering your time helps others and helps us build a stronger community together.
Of course, there are other ways to help out - make a donation, spread the word, or simply follow us on social media.
To sign up to volunteer with Project Ramadan and the Muslim Welfare Centre at the Ottawa Food Bank this weekend, click here
To learn more visit: www.projectramadan.com or www.muslimwelfarcentre.com or follow us @projectramadan or @muslimwelfarecentre
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