Good Samaritans invite Ottawa to join in an Inter-Faith Food Drive to feed the poor and show heartistic unity with their neighbours’ faith communities.
Muslim Welfare Centre and Project Ramadan came to Ottawa on April 22nd to work in partnership with the Ottawa Food Bank to build over 100 food baskets with the help of local volunteers and city officials, including Mayor Jim Watson.
The Project Ramadan initiative was created under Muslim Welfare Centre of Toronto almost 10 years ago by a group of young adults who found themselves concerned about the food disparity within their local community.
This Sunday, April 22nd, they are coming to Ottawa to volunteer at the Ottawa Food Bank and raise awareness about food insecurity in Canada and they hope you wil join them.
Good Samaritans invite Ottawa believers to join us in an Inter-Faith Food Drive to feed the poor and show interfaith solidarity at this time of increased intolerance. Bring some non-perishable food to your place of worship this Mother’s Day weekend as you go to pray. We are asking the place of worship to announce the food drive and deliver the food donations to the Ottawa Mosque parking lot, where volunteers will load it onto trucks for the Ottawa Food Bank.
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