Shaikh Yasir Qadhi’s Orphan Benefit Tour with Human Concern International Comes To Toronto, Ottawa This Weekend
Written by Human Concern InternationalHuman Concern International and the Canada Bangladesh Muslim Community (CBMC) invite you to gain insight into our role in the world as Muslims in the 21st century with Shaikh Yasir Qadhi.
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" data-width="850" data-allowfullscreen="true" data-autoplay="false" data-show-captions="false">Proceeds from both events go towards children's education in Bangladesh.
Join the esteemed Shaykh in exploring the true essence of our way of life as he discusses "Islam in the 21st Century: A Path Forward".
Two inspiring events with Shaykh Yasir in Toronto (Nov 24th) and Ottawa (Nov 25th).
Come gain knowledge plus share the benefit of offering educational opportunities to orphans in Bangladesh.