Hamilton Wentworth District School Board of Trustees Launches External Investigation into Sabreina Dahab's Advocacy in support of Palestinian Human Rights
Written by Sabreina DahabHamilton Wentworth District School Board of Trustees Launches External Investigation into my Advocacy in support of Palestinian Human Rights
At the end of October, the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board of Trustees launched an external investigation into my social media activity as it relates to my posts on Palestine, alleging that my advocacy is a breach of the Trustee Code of Conduct.
I am concerned that this investigation is an attempt to silence me for my vocal condemnation of Israeli apartheid and reprimand me for my posts about protests that were calling for the end to the siege of Gaza.
I reaffirm my position: I condemn Israeli apartheid and believe that for there to be peace, the siege of Gaza must be lifted and the occupation must end. I reject the conflation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. As trusted elected officials in education, I would expect and implore us to do the difficult and necessary work of teaching and taking leadership in difficult times like these. That includes having difficult conversations that challenge harmful, oppressive, anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic narratives.
As this investigation is underway, | have been advised by my legal counsel to not make any further comments as it relates to this code of conduct complaint. | will provide updates at the appropriate time.
It's important to note that students across Ontario’s education system are telling us that they are facing repercussions for daring to say “Free Palestine”. They are being silenced and threatened with disciplinary measures, amongst other serious incidents of anti-Palestinian racism. To students across Ontario: know that | have your back and that your voice is important. You deserve a learning space free from anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia. I call on Minister Lecce to unequivocally condemn anti-Palestinian racism, and Islamophobia across Ontario's education system and to take steps to ensure all students are safe in their schools.
I encourage all of us to stay committed to learning, listening, and speaking up about Palestine. Even when unsure, uncertain, or scared, show up for Palestine.
Love, Solidarity and Free Palestine!
Sabreina Dahab, Hamilton Wentworth District School Board Ward 2 Trustee