FIRST PERSON: Preparations for annual Islamic fashion show underway
Written by Fatimah MuhammadFor Sisters by Sisters will be holding their second annual Islamic Fashion Show on 12th June, and this time the event will focus on designers who work and sell from home.
The themes for this year are hijab (Islamic head dress), modest dress, and sisterhood. This year, we will not be working with the bigger shops in Ottawa. We are working with Muslimah designers and seamstresses who operate from inside their homes.
The organisers of the show (Maryam Arale, Leila Sieg and I) opted to go with home-based businesses because the bigger shops did not seem to be interested in the fashion show, and because we also discovered that working with home-based businesses was much easier.
We think that there are lots of misconceptions about the hijab, niqab (face veil) and Muslim women in general. Muslimahs are more than just homemakers. We are doctors, lawyers, educators, nurses, business women and much more. We also think that Muslim women are seen by others as oppressed and depressed. Because of these misconceptions, we thought it would be important to open the show up to non-Muslim women as well. We will have pamphlets on the table for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Muslimahs. We want to make it clear that we aren't trying to convert anyone, we just want non-Muslims to see us in a different light. And who better to teach non-Muslims about Muslim women than Muslimahs?
We are hoping to have tunic tops, skirts, business suits, wedding dresses, pantsuits, hijabs, niqabs, and abayas (over garments) at the fashion show. This year, we are allowing participating businesses to sell some of their clothing. However, participants will only be able to sell a certain amount of clothing because the space is limited. They will also have their business cards with them in case you like what they have to offer.
We are very excited about the Fashion Show this year. There will be more door prizes this year, finger foods, desserts and drinks. We have sisters from different parts of the world who will be sending us their clothing designs. We will also have a local artist working with us on the decorations for the event and a sister has volunteered to help us record the event. Our models range from the ages of two to fifty-something.
Since this is an Islamic fashion show conduct that is considered immodest will not be allowed. We will only model modest clothing, and we will only play nasheeds (Islamic devotional songs). We are working to get some duff music.
We encourage the community to come out and to support the Fashion Show. If you have non-Muslim friends, classmates, neighbours (women), who are interested in coming, please do not hesitate to invite them. Remember please, this is a women's only event.
Tickets for the show will be on sale after 13th May. The bulk of the proceeds from the event will go back to the community. The event will be held at the Jim Durrell Centre, from 3-6 pm on 12th June.
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