Somali American Ilhan Omar just became the first veiled Muslim woman to be elected to the US Congress. What about the experiences of other veiled Muslim women who have run poltical campaigns in Canada?
CityNews Toronto reporter Ginella Massa will be speaking at the season premiere of the Women of Influence Evening Series on Wednesday September 6 in Toronto. She will be exploring the topic of Breaking Barriers: How to Defy Expectations and Develop the Career of Your Dreams.
Muslim Link interviewed Ginella about becoming a role model for so many Muslim women and how her experience as an “outsider” within Muslim Canadian communities is an advantage when it comes to doing a better job of covering new stories that explore the complexity of the Muslim Canadian experience.
Ginella Massa has made history once again. In January 2015, she became the first hijabi TV news reporter on mainstream Canadian Television. On November 18 2016, she was asked to sit in as news anchor on City TV, where she currently works as a reporter, thus becoming the first hijabi to anchor a newscast in Canada.
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