Toronto, ONTARIO, June 10, 2024 The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is hosting a virtual launch of its national, groundbreaking study titled, “Still Overqualified and Underemployed?: Canadian Muslim Women’s Experiences of Employment Barriers and Facilitators.”
[T]he Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is proud to announce a multi-year project, “Addressing Barriers to Employment for Muslim Women.” The project is funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE).
The Institute for Religious and Socio-Political Studies Religious & Socio-Political Studies organized an event on December 8th for the launch of the first issue of its journal.
Last year, as a Muslim Canadian family took their evening stroll during lockdown in London, Ont., a white man rammed his pickup truck into them. Four of the five family members were killed.
The Muslims in Canada Archives (MiCA), a collaborative and participatory initiative at the Institute for Islamic Studies (IIS) at the University of Toronto, provides a platform for the missing Muslim voices in Canada.
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is pleased to announce the launch today of a groundbreaking research report investigating the experiences and outcomes of diverse groups of Canadian Muslim women.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has taken us into an era of social distancing. By relying on online digital media, we may be isolating ourselves from more local and diverse communities.
Carleton University is pleased to announce its second Somali Studies in Canada Colloquium, taking place on Saturday, October 19, 2019.
I was a full-time high school teacher in an Ontario Islamic school in 2008 when I noticed that my Arab Muslim students led lives of religious conformity at school that reflected their Islamic values at home but did not necessarily define their full selves.
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