Over the past year, the words “Wall Street” have become prevalent in the news, with coverage ranging from protests to investigative reporting on the lack of ethics and humanity being displayed by large conglomerates, such as financial companies like Goldman Sachs.
The Occupy Wall Street movement arose to create awareness about the inequity in the distribution of wealth amongst the American population. The movement has specifically been orientated in providing a voice for the 99 per cent of the population that lacks the bargaining power that the wealthy have in socio-economic related policies and legislation. The age-old idiom “money is power” has a whole new meaning these days, with the saying not only ringing true, but the powerless now becoming increasingly more aware of how little power they may or may not have. Protests and organizational efforts now span North America and have evolved to create a platform of proposed changes that need to be made by the US and Canadian governments.
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