Our iftar is an opportunity for the community to get together and support the honourable cause of orphan sponsorship. We invite you to complete your fast with us with a delicious buffet and an engaging program.
Doors open at 5:00 p.m.
Program begins at 5:30 p.m. sharp.
About One MAX:
Muslims Achieving Excellence (MAX) was established with the founding charter to recognize the excellent professional, educational and charitable achievements of Muslims in North America. We aim to recognize, reward, celebrate & motivate high achievement, along with positive and productive contributions to society by Muslims in North America.
MAX events throughout the year are focused on a specific impactful objective, such as Mentorship, Entrepreneurship, Training for Boards, Leadership at a Senior Level, or Scholarships. We have heard from many of you who want the opportunity to network and have a social within the MAX community. We are excited to bring to you our year end social to provide this opportunity.