Shaykh Ramzy Ajem is an educator specializing in theology and pedagogy with over two decades of experience in the field of Islamic education, curriculum development and CVE in North America. Ramzy is the Executive Director of Risalah Foundation, a charity that develops, operates and governs the finest educational and religious initiatives for Muslim communities in the Greater Toronto Area.
Visit Shaykh Ramzy's blog: The Muslim Teacher
Over the years, Risalah Foundation led by its Executive Director (Ramzy Ajem) has developed key community partnerships with other mainstream Muslim organizations within North America and is recognized by governmental agencies and social welfare institutions across Ontario for its exceptional contribution to national efforts in countering violent extremism.
The foundation's initiatives engage Canadian Muslims in an authentic manner providing them with the inspiration and religious basis to live their faith respectfully and peacefully with other communities within a diverse multicultural context.
The Executive Director currently leads four community projects for the foundation:
1. Masjid Vaughan
2. Muslim Family Academy
3. Dar al-Burhan Academy for Quran Studies
4. Network of Reintegration & Muslim Mentorship - NORMM
Official Sites of Ramzy Ajem
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