Shaykh Omar Subedar was born and raised in Toronto , Canada . In 1990 he was inspired by a very close friend to memorize the entire Qur’ān and enrolled in the renowned ‘ Institute of Islamic Education ’, located in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, U.K. Upon committing the entire Qur’ān to memory in 1993 he decided to further his Islamic education by taking the institutes’ Master of Arts program on Islamic Sciences. Arabic grammar, morphology, semantics, vocabulary and literature. Islamic Creed (aqīda) Exegesis (tafsīr) of the Qur’ān and the science of exegesis. Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) of the Ḥanafi School (madhab). Comparative studies on all 4 recognized schools (Ḥanafī, Shāfi’ī, Mālik and Ḥanbali) and the science of juristic methodology (usūl al fiqh). Prophetic Traditions (ḥadīth) and the science of ḥadīth. Islamic History Pronunciation of the Qur’ān (tajwīd) and the science of intonation of the Qur’ān according to all the ten major recitations (qirā’āt). By the grace of Allāh the Shaykh graduated from the program in 2001 with an average of 93% in his final exams and was granted a scholarly license from the institute. Upon his return the Shaykh taught at the Sharī’ah Program for 3 years. Currently he is the Imam of Jame Makki Masjid Brampton, a member of ‘The Canadian Council of Muslim Theologians’, the secretary general of ‘The Halal Monitoring Authority’, a teacher at and an instructor at the Mathābah. Twitter: Shaykh Omar Subedar
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