Mission Statement: To provide an Islamic atmosphere for the development and perfection of leadership abilities within the youth of our community to serve Imam-e-Zamana (ajtf). Our Message: As an important step in the ongoing struggle to strive in the path of Allah, the community has constantly tried to establish an Islamic atmosphere in which our children can grow and become healthy both spirtually and physically. That struggle continues but the nature of the battle has changed. We have realized the most effecitve way of getting through to our youth is through the youth. The best strategy to keep our youth on the Siratul Mustaqeem (the right path) is to train leaders from within them who will guide them towards the truth and away from evil. By teaching our youth to become independent and struggle in the way of Allah (swt) and more importantly teach each other to do so, we strongly believe htey will achieve victory in all areas of life. AMYS aims to make our youth self reliant principle centered leaders so that we may build a strong Canadian Muslim heritage.
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