We are a group of High School Alumni who dedicate their time and effort into strengthening the Muslim Youth, and at large our communities. Taking knowledge from those who have it, and providing guidance to those who need it, we serve as a platform for MSA's to grow, interact, and be leaders in theirs communities. Whether you see the MSA as a great opportunity to develop leadership skills, have something to share with us, or want to help out in your own way. It is our aim to provide every single MSA the resources, tools, advice, and tips, to reach the above mentioned goal. We arrange meetings, workshops, seminars for MSA executives to attend in order for them to increase their leadership skills and take back items to make their MSA's stronger. We provide resources and documents for MSA's to use when planning events, excursions, dinners, etc. We have created a strong network between MSA executives, and general members with over 200 members from schools in whitby all the way to schools in Hamilton. It is our goal to ensure that students have access to the knowledge, expertise, and tips which other MSA's have gained over the years, so as one body we can grow and be the change. How can you help? We are always looking for people who share the same goal as us to join our team. High School student? No problem! Start up an MSA at your school or join yours to make it even stronger. Want to help financially? We are always looking to find sponsors, or donors to help offset the costs of our various activities. Facebook: High School Muslim Student Associations
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