Founded in 1967, the Arab-Palestine association was the first Palestinian Association and the second Arab association in Toronto – Ontario. It is a social and cultural association concerned with the affairs of the Arab community in general and the Palestinian community in particular, by providing assistance to new immigrants and refugees in Canada and helping them solve their daily issues and qualifying them to integrate into the Canadian society. It also specializes in organizing social and cultural events to inform Canadian society of the Palestinian people's cause.
The Arab-Palestine Association in Ontario has established a thriving relationship with Canadian society, members of parliament, various associations and churches. it has strong ties to the Palestinian General Delegation in Ottawa Canada.
The Arab-Palestine Association has received grants from both the federal and local governments to organize and develop the community. It's one of the sources that contributed to the foundation of Arab and Palestinian institutions inside Canada, including the Arab Centre, the Canadian Arab Federation, and the Palestine House. The Association hosts annually many Palestinian leaders at all levels. Also, the Association is managed by a Board of Directors appointed by a Board of Trustees.
Facebook: Arab Palestine Association of Ontario
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