Al-Huda eCampus signifies our mission and vision of "Qur'an for all - in every hand, in every heart". eCampus stands for electronic campus, where all courses are taught through eLearning methodology. It is a form of distance education conducted through the Internet, supported by communications media, such as audio and video conferencing software, e-mail and other technologies. eLearning also provides student forums that enable interactive discussions between classmates and between students and their instructors. Al-Huda eCampus shall offer out-of-classroom disciplined educational experiences based on courses and curriculum advancements developed at the institute. Many students choose this form of distance education because it enables them to pursue self-paced education while continuing to work full time, raising a family or simply staying in their homes in any global location.
Offers online learning opportunities for adults and youth such as:
Quran certificate ecourses, Tajweed elearning courses, as well as Fiqh, Hadith and Arabic ecourses.