The Islamic Soccer League is community-based, non-profit organization. It has expanded remarkably since it’s humble beginnings in 1997. What began as a small recreational program for 34 local children coached by two volunteer coaches is now a multi-faceted league with over 100 volunteer coaches catering to over 1600 participants ages 5 to 18. ISL is commitment to providing all players with a rewarding, enjoyable soccer-playing experience tailored to helping players become more confident, assertive, independent and self-controlled. Through soccer ISL works to instil a stronger sense of self-worth in its players based on their mastery of skills and understanding of the game. Players have the opportunity to assume leadership, cooperate with others; question actions and regulations and accept responsibility for their own behaviour. The Islamic Soccer League’s mission is to nurture good moral character and provide opportunities for players to socialize with others successfully and to learn positive people skills.