The Connecting Ottawa project is funded as an Access to Justice initiative of the Law Foundation of Ontario. Our aim is to improve access to justice for linguistic minorities; people who are not proficient in English or French or who face communication challenges as the result of a disability or sensory impairment. Low income and vulnerable clients who present with a legal issue often have complex cases that benefit from coordinated intervention by legal and social services. We take a holistic approach and draw upon strengths that already exist within our network of over 40 community health, legal, immigration, disability, and social services agencies. Together, we address the compounded barriers faced by linguistic minorities. Feel free to contact us about access to legal services. Connect with our lawyer (Alex Derisier) at 613.744.2892 ext. 1063 and our social worker (Erin Fitzpatrick) at 613.744.2892 ext. 1064 Connecting Ottawa is collocated with la Clinique juridique francophone de l'Est d'Ottawa at Vanier Community Service Centre, 290 Dupuis Street, Ottawa ON K1L 1A2. Facebook
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