YSB has two dedicated phone numbers for youth ages 12 to 18, and their families. Those in crisis are urged to call our 24/7 Crisis Line for immediate assistance. If you are looking for support from YSB Mental Health, please call us at 613-562-3004 to discuss your needs. All active programs with YSB Mental Health are listed below: please click on the links to get more information about each service. 24/7 Crisis Line The 24/7 Crisis Line makes sure that youth in crisis — or anyone concerned about them — can talk to someone who understands and wants to help. Offers supportive listening, crisis counselling, referrals and more, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 24/7 Crisis Line 613-260-2360 (local) 1-877-377-7775 (toll-free) Youth Mental Health Walk-in Clinic The Youth Mental Health Walk-in Clinic offers single counselling sessions for youth ages 12 to 20, and their parents, whose needs are more immediate. Often, one of the most difficult steps can be gathering enough courage to ask for help. Getting help sooner can make all the difference. Youth and Family Counselling This program offers youth aged 12, and up to the day before their 18th birthday, the chance to address issues affecting the family relationship. Parents and youth can meet with counsellors for family sessions, or individuals can arrange one-on-one counselling according to their needs. Youth and Family Counselling 613-562-3004 Intensive Family Support An intensive family- and community-based program that promotes positive behavioural change in youth (aged 12 to 18) who are at risk of out-of-home placement because of significant anti-social behaviour. Intensive Family Support 613-562-3004 Centre Éducatif / Day Treatment This centre offers an academic and therapeutic day treatment program for francophone teens whose behaviours are interfering with their success in school. We aim to help youth successfully get back into a regular academic environment. La Relance This academic and clinical support program is designed to help francophone youth return to a regular academic program following their expulsion or long-term suspension from school. Wraparound Ottawa Wraparound is for families and guardians with youth aged 12 to 18 years old. Wraparound helps families by helping to create a team of friends, community members and professionals that will support them in dealing with complex problems. Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa
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