Salahouddine Mosque is operated by the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP) Friday prayer in the center of the Association at 1:30 PM (Summer time) or at 12:30 PM (Winter time) Islamic lesson about the belief and other religious themes every Friday at 7.00 PM followed by a free dinner Zikr and Madih followed by Islamic lesson every Saturday at 7.30PM Islamic and Qur’an lesson for ladies every Wednesday at 10.00 PM and Friday at 7.00 PM Qur’an lesson for men every Thursday at 6.30 PM The Cultural School An-Nour for Qur’an , Arabic and religion every Saturday morning from 10.00 AM to 1.30 Pm Soccer training for men A very special annual summer camp full of sportive , cultural and scouts activities for families and individual Scouts training and activities during weekends A group picnic for individual and families every Saturday during the summer with sports activities for who wants An intensive summer school for teaching Qur’an, religion and Arabic on three days every week Islamic and Qur’an lessons for families for who wants either in their house or in the center of the association Special program in Ramadan; (free dinners offered everyday and a three important lessons about beliefs science, Qur’an and Islamic doctrine) Celebration of the Islamic occasions such as Mawlid, Isra’ and Mi^raj, Al-Hijra, Ramadan, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha
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