Still Looking for Projects to Support with Your Zakat at Fitr This Ramadan?
Like many Canadian charities, Islamic Relief Canada has had to innovate its fundraising efforts as in person fundraisers have been impacted by the pandemic. However, the need for charitable giving has only increased due to the economic and health impacts of COVID 19 both locally and globally.
"In Shaykh’s Clothing" is an initiative that has been set up to support victims of spiritual abuse within North American Muslim communities. One of the issues people often come to them with is spiritually abusive forms of fundraising and misusing funds by Muslim organizations.
International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) and Islamic Relief Canada make Moneysense's List of the Top 100 Canadian Charities in 2019.
Syrian Canadian Sara Takieddin crowdfunded on in order to pay off the debts she accumulated while struggling with mental illness and financial distress as an immigrant to Canada after her marriage ended badly.
Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, upon which the religion is built. Usually translated as almsgiving, zakat is a requirement on Muslims (both male and female) of sound mind who possess at least the minimum amount of net worth deemed to classify them as not in need.
Canada Zakat, Islamic Relief Canada, Human Concern International, ICNA Relief Canada, and IDRF are raising funds for the victims of the horrific Toronto van attack that took place on April 23 at Yonge and Finch.