Dr. Habib Khoury is a Palestinian Canadian practicing dentistry at Centrum Dental Care in Kanata. In 2015, he came up with the idea of finding an innovative way to raise funds for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)’s Community Mental Health Program which supports Palestinians, particularly children, who are coping with mental health issues such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He spearheaded the annual Ottawa Run for Palestine, now in its third year.
It takes place this Sunday, September 24. This year the run has a new route from Ottawa City Hall to Dows Lake. a 2K Family Walk and a 5K and 10K professional run. The run is followed by a Family BBQ with multiple activities for children, as well as cultural activities such as Dabke.
This year, the Ottawa Run for Palestine is also fundraising for the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)'s youth mental health program.
Muslim Link connected with Dr. Khoury to learn more about why the run is partnering with CHEO this year.
The Council of Imams of Ottawa-Gatineau and the United Muslim Organizations of Ottawa-Gatineau are raising funds to present to CHEO on behalf of the Muslim community, live during their annual Telethon on CTV Ottawa this weekend, June 4-5.
For Muslims still deciding where to donate their zakat this Ramadan, the Council of Imams of Ottawa-Gatineau would like you to consider supporting the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).